(Photo provided by Google)
Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander
Katherine Waterston as Porpentina Goldstein
Collin Farrel as Graves
Ezra Miller as Credence
Dan Folger as Kowalski
Alison Sudol as Queenie Goldstein
Johnny Depp as Grindelward
I just want to start off by stating that I will try very hard not to give any spoilers away during this review. But beware, spoilers may pop up. Read at your own risk.
I never really got into the Harry Potter craze. I saw a few of the movies but never had the urge to feel like I needed to go see them all. I have never read the books. Even considering those facts, my few glimpses into the Harry Potter universe have been enjoyable. I have never taken the time to focus see one of the films in the theater as I have only seen them when they premiered on cable.
I treated Fantastic Beasts differently though. I can't really pinpoint why I decided to see Fantastic Beasts in the theater. But with each preview and trailer I found myself getting excited to see this film. I have a wide range of genres that I like when it comes to movies and entertainment. I love anything that I feel has a good story and keeps my attention. It can be a fun and exciting story with mystical and magical elements or it can be a depressing bio picture. As long as it keeps me there watching and wanting more.
That is how I felt during Fantastic Beasts, I found myself wanting more. I enjoyed how Newt went above and beyond to protect his creatures in a world that wanted to see them destroyed. Eddie Redmayne plays Newt as a wonderfully awkward individual who trusts his Beasts more then people. They have never hurt him and obviously love him as much as he loves them. While watching the movie, keep track of how many times Newt actually makes eye contact with the other characters. He is actually a very shy character which is surprising when you consider how quick he will step into action when he needs to.
I found Dan Folger as Kowalski to be a funny addition to the cast that worked well with the film. I don't really get the outcry of hate for the Johnny Depp casting. He's a great actor and he handled his character very well in the movie. I believe this was nice change of pace for Colin Farrel as I have never seen him play a role that delved into magic and fantasy like this before. This film was cast very well in my opinion and I see more of these films coming out over the years. Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them looks to be Warner Brother's next big franchise hit and I can't wait to see where the next installment takes us. Again, I haven't read the books. Whatever they do next will be new and exciting for me.