Gal Gadot as Diana/Wonder Woman
Chris Pine as Steve Trevor
Connie Nielsen as Hippolyta
Robin Wright as Antiope
Danny Huston as Ludenorff
David Thewlis as Sir Patrick
Elena Anaya as Dr. Maru
Wonder Woman is the forth movie in the DC Comics extended cinematic universe which all began with Man of Steel. Ever since Batman v Superman was released back in 2016, Wonder Woman has been seen as something if a movie phenomenon is a matter of speaking. Gal Gadot's performance was what stole the show in the final moments of Batman v Superman in my personal opinion. One could ask, is Gal Gadot the right person to be able to bring a memorable performance in her own full length film?
The answer is an astounding yes. One thing that I like to tell people about after watching Wonder Woman is there is no lagging. There is usually a scene or two in a superhero movie that seems to be a bit of a bore or just is not needed. Think about it, it does happen from time to time. (Ex: Spider-Man 3 when "emo" Peter Parker does his "evil" dance down the street. That is my least favorite scene in all superhero movies. But I still love that franchise even with that hideous scene in it.) This does not happen in Wonder Woman. Every scene is important and every scene never lags. It did not feel like I sat in the theater for 2 hours and 21 minutes at all.
There are people out there comparing Wonder Woman to Captain America: The First Avenger. The two movies are not the same by any means. I feel like these comparison was made by a die hard Marvel fan looking to take a big dump on a DC property. Guys, there is no need to go on a hate fulfilled rant. We can love all of the movies no matter which brand they are aligned with. It's true, when it comes to comics I am a DC guy all the way. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy Marvel comics. My first comic ever was an issue of Spider-Man. The same goes with the films. We can love it all, I sure as hell do. This is the greatest time for a comic fan to be alive as we are getting all of these films injected into our culture. Just be happy and get over it. It's a great film. I loved the flashback element of the film and that there was a true purpose given for the flashback. It was a real coming of age story for Diana.
Gal Gadot was a perfect choice to play Diana/Wonder Woman. She really handled the material well and took on being a true leading lady with grace. Chris Pine's Steve Trevor was great to see on screen. I liked the character more than I thought I would. I honestly hope that the minds at DC Entertainment find a way to bring him back in the present day story line. I feel that there is so much more we can get from the character. The Amazons were amazing. You hope to see Diana eventually find her way back to Themyscira (Paradise Island) just so that we can see more of them. There are so many story lines that can be brought to the big screen with them. Ludendorff and Dr. Maru were a force to be reckoned with and scary as hell. Ares was a total bad ass and immensely powerful. There were times where it felt like he was going to easily win the fight against Diana either physically or mentally or both. There is a great twist surrounding Ares that I will not reveal here.
For whatever reason, there were some that did not have faith that Patty Jenkins could pull off this movie. She is a talented director with a hell of a resume who brought great vision to this DC property. Thank you for being the one to helm this project and bring it to the big screen.
Marvel hasn't taken the leap yet for a female lead superhero movie even with their huge head start into the game with 2008's Iron Man. Not only did DC and Warner Brothers take that leap, but they also did it with a female director. Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins blew it out of the park. I know there are some who took this by surprise. It shouldn't have been. Talent is talent no matter what. The world was able to see that and this film is killing it at the box office. I give Wonder Woman a 4.5 out of 5 stars. This is the highest rating I have ever given and everyone involved in this film deserved it. I can't wait to see how the story of Wonder Woman continues in Justice League.