Welcome to something new I'm trying out here. I call it "A FAN'S TAKE," we may have a name change down the line. These type of articles will be feature on Feast & Fandom to present my personal opinion on entertainment news or food/restaurant related news. I am excited about this new feature as I feel it will broaden the Feast & Fandom brand and help us grow.
Our first entry into this new feature will focus on Warner Bros. recent announcement of a Joker origin movie. Let me start off with the word origin. The Joker does not have an actual origin in the comics. All we know about him is that he once wore the Red Hood and fell into a vat of acid during a hiest done wrong. But that's it. There is nothing else to know him by or anything concrete further back than that. Anything produced by this film consisting of an origin will be a stand alone version that exists in this movie and nothing else.
Now let's talk about different versions. DC comics is known for their Multiverse and love of having different versions of their characters that exist outside of the main DCU. There are 52 different alternate Earth's in their Multiverse and they are about to introduce another Dark Multiverse. Does it get confusing sometimes? Sure. Have they made it a little easier to seperare the worlds? Yes. How will this translate on film? This new version of The Joker will exist in an alternate universe than the main DCEU. I feel that this will be the beginning of a DCEU Multiverse as I am already hearing plans to give the same treatment to their other character as well including the main trinity of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. Could this be a game changer in comics on film? Hell yeah, but if done right.
What will happen to the current DCEU? Nothing, it will still be intact and the main focus of the DC film universe. My sources say that DC and Warner Bros will be opening a new banner/studio that will focus on the other, different versions of these character starting with The Joker origin film. My guess is that is where the other DCEU Multiverse movies will comes from.
So what does this really mean for Jared Leto and his Joker? He is still playing the character in the main DCEU. He is signed for Suicide Squad 2 and Gotham City Sirens. He has a long future planned in the films. But this new Joker will be played by a different actor, he will be a different version of the character and he is to be considered a stand alone character. Jared Leto' s Joker and this new Joker are completely unrelated.
That's all I have on this development at this time. I will release more news as it becomes available. Keep in mind that the content that I discuss in this thread is my opinion and how I feel it could all work out based on the information available.